Jeanna Bassett was heading to her third-grade art class at Concordia Elementary School on Thursday morning, Dec. 20, when she received something she never expected.
“A lot of people have shown you support,” Rob McKane, Concordia’s school principal, said describing the massive community effort since vandals broke into the school in late November and destroyed 30-year-old “Star Wars” Lego sets Bassett had on display in the library. “So, has Goodwill of Orange County. They summoned the force to help you rebuild.”
With that announcement, Ted Mollenkramer, the e-commerce business operations manager for Goodwill OC, introduced Taylor Harkins, 37, of Costa Mesa and Scott Gano, 32, of Brea. Harkins and Gano make up Goodwill’s Lego Team. They typically spend their days sorting and organizing donated Legos for re-sale to benefit the Santa Ana-based nonprofit.