With tentative plans now to add in a hotel, a Ferris Wheel or similar ride — and possibly a roller rink over the water — San Pedro’s waterfront developers hosted a hard-hat tour for area real estate representatives on Thursday, July 25

The occasion: Completion of the development’s first building, Building 1A.

It marks another milestone in what has been a longer-than-anticipated road to create an updated gathering spot overlooking the Port of Los Angeles’ Main Channel. A grand opening — which already had been pushed from 2024 to 2025 — now looks like it won’t happen until 2026, said Valerie James, vice-president of Business Development for West Harbor.

“There have been some hurdles,” she said, noting the planning process with the city of Los Angeles takes time.

But developers are finding ways to open up parts of the linear, 42-acre footprint along the waterfront — where Ports O’ Call Village once stood — going south from the Los Angeles Maritime Museum and a town square on Harbor Boulevard between Sixth and Seventh streets.

The so-called pop-up activities have included craft sales, community gatherings and the opening of the waterside promenade for casual walks and ship-watching. And the San Pedro Fish Market currently operates from a temporary space, awaiting a more permanent spot once the $170 million development gets closer to finishing.